Saturday, October 25, 2008

Genetic diseases and testing

Genetic Diseases:

Genetic Diseases also known as Genetic Disorder is a problem caused by abnormalties in genes or chromosones. Some diseases are caused from this for exaple cancer but they can also be caused by enviromental factors.


-Currently round about 4,000 Genetis Disorders are known and there is even more been discoverd.

-Around 5% of Americas population carry one of the defective gene.

Genetic Testing:

Gene testing also know as DNA based tests is the newest and most sophisticated way of testing Genetic Disorders, this involes a direct test to the DNA molecule itself and other tests too.

Genetic Tests are used for:

-carrier screening, which involves identifying unaffected individuals who carry one copy of a gene for a disease that requires two copies for the disease to be expressed

-newborn screening

-confirmational diagnosis of a symptomatic individual.


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